Marc Masip, leads the University of Deusto thanks to Kietoparao
You already know that our commitment to helping parents educate in the responsible use of technologies is very great. We believe that we lack a lot of information and that is why we have decided to organize a conference together with the University of Deusto and Met Community where we will know a little more about the relationship between adolescents and technologies.
For that we have invited Marc Masip , the prestigious psychologist and director of the Desconect@ center, to Bilbao. On October 17 at 12:00 he will give a talk as an expert in addiction to New Technologies about its dangers and how adolescents are facing them today. Its Barcelona center was a pioneer in 2012 with a program created to learn how to make good use of new technologies.
Here is a post we wrote a long time ago about one of his talks.

After their talk , Marc Masip, María Fernández de Kietoparao and Patricia Gómez (psychologist expert in addictions) will participate in a round table where they will discuss different topics that show how important it is that we all take part in this awareness.
We believe that just as doctors recommend that we be careful with certain foods or certain habits, they also have to talk about the responsible use of technologies.
That city councils , from their youth area, also have to work on raising awareness.
That the educational sector has to include responsible education within its educational programs.
That the hospitality sector can do a lot in this task of raising awareness. United we are stronger!
Because? The reasons are many, but this is a clear example that we are not doing it right...
84% of us interrupt conversations with family and friends by checking our device. Let's say that 84% of us commit a lack of respect towards family and friends, without being aware and we have to start putting limits on this irresponsible use. We are the first to set an example for our children.
Don't you think we have to do something?

We leave you the agenda here:
11:45 Reception of attendees
12:00 Presentation and welcome: Garbiñe Henry, Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Deusto, together with María Fernández, CEO of Kietoparao.
12:15 Marc Masip, director of the center Disconnect with his presentation: Raise your head.
13:00 Round table:
- Marc Masip, director of the Desconect@ psychological institute.
- Patricia Gómez, psychologist expert in addictions.
- María Fernández, CEO of Kietoparao.
13:30 Requests and questions
14:00 Closing, pinchos and networking.
Thanks to the University of Deusto for giving us the opportunity to bring Marc Masip and this awareness event. Deusto Innovation and Entrepreneurship has launched this series of conversations, talks, workshops, etc. in the “Deusto Dialogues” framework with the projects incubated in Deustokabi and Innogune as well as with the rest of the ecosystem agents. That is why we are here and that is why we are delighted to be part of this community that is created at U.Deusto:)
For more information : kieto@kietoparao.com
Day: October 17 Hours: 12:00 to 14:00 Location: Sála Gárate (University of Deusto, Bilbao Campus) Registration (free but limited space): h ttps://masdiversionsinconexiondeusto.eventbrite.com |