The benefits of board games
Do you remember board games at any time in your childhood? If you have lived them, they are moments that you remember with tenderness and a lot of affection, right?
With family, with friends, at neighbors' houses, on a winter afternoon... Many different moments in which to enjoy playing!
Today we are going to discuss some of the benefits that board games have for the development of our children. Because many times, although we know they are good, we do not stop to think about what capabilities they develop. And it is very interesting to analyze it to know everything that can help you:
- It is a fundamental tool to tolerate frustration . It helps us to be patient, wait our turn and have to follow some rules.
- Board games also encourage concentration , observation and mental agility. Having to concentrate on something is a very useful task to improve your work capabilities.
- They increase our memory and accelerate creativity . Furthermore, at Kietoparao we invite them to establish new rules of the game themselves, in order to improve their creativity, self-esteem and teamwork, since they are decisions that have to be agreed upon with the rest of the group.
- It is also very important that we develop strategy and decision making.
- Perseverance, since there are times when it is not easy to get what we want.
- Self-esteem.
- We also work on respect and cooperation .
- Fine motor skills are also developed when there are small pieces.
There are many advantages that board games have. For them and for us.
Fun times are guaranteed with them. Enjoying around a table is also good for us older people to stop worrying so much and become a little bit of children again. They really enjoy us when we play with them.