You have asked us many times, but we always say the same thing: 3-year-old children cannot stay Kietosparaos for long. Due to their nature as explorers, the times in which they can be still are still short. But we have thought about what things they are able to entertain themselves with a lot... and here it is.
Our first kit for 3 years already took. 20 game ideas in 200 grams.

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years
This kit contains:
- loose parts so they can start playing as they want. Constructions, roads, shapes…
- Two notebooks
- A bag with drop-shaped paints, for a better grip.

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years
- a deck of letters

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years
- Two game guides. One with 20 game ideas and another to create shapes and series.
- Denim bag to store everything.

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years

Kietoparao Starter Kit + 3 years
20 game ideas where they will begin to explore letters, classification, shapes, vocabulary...
It is a kit where they will use their hands a lot to strengthen the grip of their fingers and that allows them to create, however they want.
Remember that If you carry an alternative, the screens will pass away.