The Squid game is not for children.
What your children see and do affects mine. And what my children see and do affects yours.
Maybe not directly now, but in the future... when you cross paths in class, on vacation, or on Tinder.
Or maybe it does affect me now... because they invite him to play the squid game, they hit him for no reason in the yard or they talk to him about buying p*t*s in a video game for people over 18.
We live in society.
And our sons and daughters will one day cross paths at a traffic light, at work, or become a couple.
We live in society. And we need to educate boys and girls who know how to face life with determination but without violence.
We live in society. And our responsibility as educators is the greatest there is.
We live in society. And we build it with our decisions, all of them, even the small ones.
Screens are not bad in themselves, but we are seeing a lot of irresponsible behavior regarding their use. And one of them is making headlines: "The squid game" enters the school playgrounds.
Being fathers and mothers has a great responsibility. That of ensuring their well-being.
When they are babies we have it very clear:
- They can't play with a knife.
- I don't let him put things in his mouth that he could choke on.
- No putting your hands in a socket.
What happens when they get older? We lose this perspective.
The Squid Game series has a recommended age of +16 years and I would say +18.
Comments on the plot are: "Sadistic game", "cold-blooded murders", "mass murders", "everything for money"
It is not for children. She is violent, aggressive and makes me feel bad at 41 heels.
We are all overloaded with work, without time... but by the time we realize it, the children are no longer so children and we have let them do things that affect them and their mental health.
We are acutely aware of physical damage: a wound, a cut, a break. Because we see it.
But we ignore the neurological or psychological damage: fear, anxiety, irritability... Because we cannot see it in the short term.
Educating is a long-distance race and we have the responsibility of ensuring the well-being of our children. And there are lines that cannot be crossed.
Just like you don't let him drive or smoke at 10 years old... The same thing happens with screens. We must respect the vital stage in which they are:
- Watch and respect the recommended ages of video games, series and movies. If you have any questions, you can see it before and decide. And don't see us inappropriate content if they are hanging around.
- Encourage our children to use screens responsibly . In time, place of consumption and in content. Make a family plan.
- Maximum time on the street and free play . Your leisure time has to be full of sport, fresh air and play.
- Teach them the importance of perseverance and effort , something that is being lost by having everything just one click away.
- And an endless number of other things.
We have to combine common sense and life stage. And we should have a list of "common sense" things with screens too. And the first is to respect the recommended ages.
What my children see and do affects yours.
Therefore, in this family, we are going to try to make them respectful, empathetic and good friends. Watch content adapted to your age and we will let you be children as much as you can. We will screw up a thousand times, but we promise to respect their childhood. Because it is our obligation: We leave you a link to Unicef's children's rights. Rights and obligations that families and the State have.
Do you commit?