Keys to educate in the good use of technologies
We learn together from BBVA, we love it. It has very interesting interviews with truly inspiring professionals from different sectors.
Today we share an interview with Marc Masip, psychologist, CEO of Disconnect: a Psychoeducational program whose objective is for young people to learn to make appropriate use of the mobile phone, social networks and video games.
In all his interviews he talks about the importance of setting an example as parents. We were struck by an example from one of his talks.
Marc asked a room full of teenagers how many had felt ignored by their parents while using their cell phones, and everyone in the audience raised their hands. Scary right?
Well yes, we do it. We have said "mea culpa" on many occasions, we leave you some advice in this post , but we believe that we have to continue doing things to improve the relationship that adults have with technologies.
According to a study by Disconnect, 75% of adults believe that we abuse our mobile phones. And a study by the NGO PROTÉGELES says that in Spain 21.3% of adolescents are addicted to the Internet, compared to 12.7% of the European average. We almost double the European average.
Let's continue doing things: let's work to put the cell phone aside when we are with the children and we are going to use all the possible tools so that they play, have fun and look each other in the eyes.
It is our obligation to give them wings to create, learn and make mistakes. They will find the cure for cancer, discover new planets and govern our countries. Let's get your crazy little heads ready to do it.